Web Site Development & Design Terms and Conditions. Byte Media 2001 Limited will endeavour to operate in a fair and reasonable manner at all times and it is part of our ethos to ensure we maintain a great relationship with our clients. It is, however, important to have certain contractual aspects agreed upon in order to protect both parties. By undertaking a Web site design project with Byte Media you (The Client) are agreeing to the following terms and conditions.
Terms and Conditions
Quote based on content supplied first, additional edits may be considered for extra charges if the time allocated to the work is going over time, we will keep you updated on this prior so everything is transparent.
Additional pages, meetings or extra functionality will need to be invoiced if required our first consultation is free.
Future updates for web browser and App compatibility issues may be looked into as separate maintenance work. IE 7 and below are not catered for but will function.
We can train your staff on using it in your office over the phone or via Slack, generally an hour to perform this is all that's required, but it is always dependent on the complexity of the site.
Additional images if required are at $70 per image from our online library, depending on the resolution required.
Relationship of the Parties
The parties intend that an independent contractor relationship will be created by this contract and that no partnership, joint venture or employee/employer relationship is intended or implied.
Project Process
The project will be run according to Byte Media’s Web Site Project Process. If Byte Media has produced a specification document for the project then we will endeavour to work within the time frames scheduled, provided you supply us with Copy, information, logos, designs, graphics and related materials to be incorporated into the web solution by the scheduled data collection delivery date Pay the 20% deposit prior to the Project Specification
During the Web Site Development Cycle, Byte Media may at intervals place versions of the client’s website on one of Byte Media's demonstration servers in order that the client may view and comment upon the website’s progress, and approve design concepts and prototypes. When both Byte Media and the client agree that the website meets the criteria agreed upon during the projecting process, Byte Media will invoice the client for the remainder of the amount due for the project. Byte Media cannot always guarantee to start work immediately on a project but will agree to a date with the client as to when work can commence and be completed.
Acceptance Testing
The Client may conduct the acceptance tests on the deliverables as soon as possible after installation to ensure that they perform in accordance with the proposal. If a deliverable does not pass the acceptance test, we will correct the failure. The Client may then repeat the acceptance test. Such processes shall continue until the relevant deliverable passes the acceptance test.
All material including text, images and code supplied by the client and used in the construction of the client’s website, will remain the client’s property. All such material will be assumed to be the property of the client and free to use without fear of breach of copyright laws. The copyright for any material provided by Byte Media Limited, such as HTML code, graphics, photographs and text, but excluding software code, will remain the property of Byte Media until such time as payment has been made in full whereupon they will become the property of the client.
The client will be given access to the source code and may take the code to another developer for purposes of maintaining or extending the system. The parties acknowledge that Byte Media may accept jobs from other clients to develop Web solutions with the same or similar functionality to the web solution and that Byte Media may replicate and reuse techniques, structures and modules of program code used in the creation of the web solution.
Confidentiality and Nondisclosure
Byte Media agrees to hold confidential or proprietary information or trade secrets (“confidential information”) in trust and confidence and agrees that it shall be used only for the purposes of the website project, shall not be used for any other purpose, or disclosed to any third party. No copies will be made or retained of any written information or prototypes supplied without the permission of The Client. At the conclusion of any discussions, or upon demand by The Client, all confidential information, including prototypes, written notes, photographs, sketches, models, memoranda or notes taken shall be returned to The Client. Confidential information shall not be disclosed to any employee, consultant or third party unless they agree to execute and be bound by the terms of this Agreement, and have been approved by Byte Media and The Client. This Agreement and its validity, construction and effect shall be governed by the laws of New Zealand.
All prices are quoted exclusive of GST.
Terms of Payment
(Quotes under $5,000)
An initial 50% deposit is required prior to commencing work on the site, Byte Media then requires a final remaining payment (the 50% remaining) once we reach a 90% milestone of work completed from the estimated time quoted and this must be paid before the website can go live.
(Quotes over $5,000)
An initial 50% paid upfront, 25% paid at the halfway mark, 20% paid at 95% completed, and 5% balance upon completion.
Accounts that remain unpaid after the expiry of the due date for payment (14 days) will be liable to be dealt with by way of a formal legal recovery and/or debt collection agency.
The invoicee will be liable for all disbursements, collection costs, legal costs or other costs associated with the collection of outstanding money. In addition, our terms of trade as per our website will require that you pay interest at the rate of 10% on all accounts outstanding after the due date.
Account Number:12 3119 0123060 00(Quotes under $10,000)
An initial 50% deposit is required prior to commencing work on the site, Byte Media then requires a final remaining payment (the 50% remaining) once we reach a 90% milestone of work completed from the estimated time quoted and this must be paid before the website can go live.
(Quotes over $10,000)
An initial 50% deposit is required prior to commencing work on the site, Byte Media then requires two more final payments these are progress payments as we reach another 25% milestone and then the final payment before going live of another 25%
Accounts that remain unpaid after the expiry of the due date for payment (14 days) will be liable to be dealt with by way of a formal legal recovery and/or debt collection agency.
The invoicee will be liable for all disbursements, collection costs, legal costs or other costs associated with the collection of outstanding money. In addition, our terms of trade as per our website will require that you pay interest at the rate of 10% on all accounts outstanding after the due date.
Account Number: ASB BANK 12 3119 0123060 00
Late Payment – If we haven’t received payment for your website development within 14 days after the due date, your website will be switched off until payment is received. Unpaid accounts will incur late payment fees and collection costs and interest of 10%.
Hosting Payments
Hosting payment is due by the 20th of the month for that months hosting unless by prior agreement. Hosting fees can be monthly, or annual as agreed by both parties. Monthly accounts will be sent out via email, we do not send out paper invoices. If your hosting payments fall behind, your website will be switched off until payment is received. Unpaid accounts will incur late payment fees and collection costs.
Maintenance and Enhancements
Byte Media provides maintenance and enhancements services for its clients; however any maintenance or updates are outside the scope of the design project. When updates are required Byte Media will provide time and materials based quotes for this work.
Validity of the Agreement
Either party may terminate the agreement on 14 working days written notice to the other party. Byte Media reserves the right to cease immediately without liability to provide the service and to terminate this agreement if the Client should go into liquidation or bankruptcy, or if The Client fails to meet any obligation in accordance with this agreement. In addition, Byte Media will immediately provide the client with all work completed as part of the Agreement should Byte Media enter a liquidation or bankruptcy process, or should the Agreement be terminated. If at any point during the Web site Development Cycle a client wishes to cancel, they may do so but will be invoiced an amount that Byte Media judges to be proportional to the amount of work completed on the project. If the amount of work completed is judged by either party to be less than 20% the project, no invoice will be issued, but the 20% deposit shall not be refundable.
Assignment and Delegation
We may subcontract the performance of any of our responsibilities under this contract to another party with the client's consent but will maintain our rights and responsibilities to the client. Byte Media takes full liability for all work that is subcontracted to another party by Byte Media Limited. If subcontractors are used and their cost to Byte Media increases above what has been agreed by the client, the client has the right to refuse payment of the higher amount. The Client may assign or transfer any of your rights and responsibilities under this contract to another party with the consent of Byte Media Limited.
The Client agrees that Byte Media will not be liable for any indirect or consequential damages, including but not limited to, loss of profits or for any claim made on the Client by any other party, even though Byte Media may have been notified of such damage or claims. We shall not be liable to The Client for any loss or damage directly or indirectly arising out of or in connection with any delay in delivery of the goods or failure to perform its obligations under this agreement where such delay is caused directly or indirectly by an act of God, armed conflict, labour dispute, civil commotion, the intervention of a government, inability to obtain labour, materials or manufacturing facilities, accidents, interruptions of, or delay in, transportation or any other cause beyond our control.
The Client agrees to defend, indemnify and hold us harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, liabilities and expenses (including attorneys’ fees) related to or arising out of the services provided by us to you under this agreement, including without limitation claims made by third parties (including your customers) related to any false advertising claims, liability claims for products or services sold by you, claims for patent, copyright or trademark infringement, claims due to disruption or malfunction of services provided hereunder, or for any content submitted by you for publication by us.
If, despite the other provisions of this agreement, Byte Media is found to be liable to The Client then its liability for any single event or series of related events is limited to the Fees. Due to the public nature of the Internet, all material submitted by The Client for publication will be considered publicly accessible. Byte Media does not screen in advance customer material submitted to Byte Media for publication. Byte Media’s publication of material submitted by customers does not create any express or implied approval by Byte Media of such material, nor does it indicate that such material complies with the terms of this agreement.
Applicable law
The Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 may apply to any services we provide to you if you acquire these services for personal, domestic or household use. If this act applies, all rights you may have under it apply in addition to the rights you may have in this agreement. Nothing in this agreement will limit or exclude your rights under this act. Where you acquire or hold yourself out as acquiring our services for the purpose of a business, then you agree that the provisions of the Consumers Guarantee Act 1993 will not apply to our service or the provision of any other services to you. This agreement shall be deemed to be an agreement made in New Zealand and shall be subject to, governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of New Zealand.
Non Waiver
Failure by any party to enforce any right or obligation with respect to any matter arising in connection with this contract shall not constitute a waiver as to that matter or any other matter either then or in the future. Any waiver of any right or obligation under this contract shall only be of any force and effect if such waiver is in writing and is expressly stated to be a waiver of a specified right or obligation under this contract.